Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Saints Win? Connect the Dots

By Guest Columnist: Boris G.
Let me start by saying that I am not the type for conspiracy theories. For example, if our government via the Warren Commission says that a bullet hit Texas Governor Tom Connelly in the shoulder, then hit former President John F. Kennedy in the throat and in the head, I would believe it. After all, if it was false, President Lyndon Johnson--whose re-election campaign included some of the best commercials--would have told the public. And, I not only believe that the USA landed men on the moon, but also that the US already had a manned Mars landing which is still classified. And I’d like to be clear, and this is just speculation, that every once in a while NASA blows up a space shuttle just to trick China and Russia.

Some of you may be asking what does this have to do with the Colts. Good question. Let’s start with the regular season game of the Saints against the pathetic Dallas Cowboys. In a prime time game on a Saturday, the “Superbowl Champs” lost big time to the Cowboys 24 to 17.

Not convinced of a fix? Look at some more of the dots. Let’s start with the Colts. Now, we all know that the Colts are good. Don’t just take my word; here are some stats from a “source.”

In total yardage the Colts were 18th in the NFL (339 YPG). The Saints were 25th (358 YPG).

In total points the Colts were 8th (19.2 PPG). The Saints were 20th (21.3 PPG)
(Courtesy of Source)

The source had more stats, but you get the point. Now, it is common knowledge that Colts coach Jim Caldwell benched QB Peyton Manning during their second game with the Jets. Others can decide why a 14 and 0 teams would sit their starting quarterback. But, we do know that Peyton did what he was told. However, as a sign of protest Manning kept his helmet on.

Now, I am not saying that President Obama called Peyton Manning personally and told him to lose the Superbowl. And, I’ll leave it to the Abraham Zapruder types to watch Superbowl film to see if Peyton showed some sign of protest during the game. All I am saying is that game winning “interception” was caught by Saints cornerback Tracy Porter who had the Vince Lombardi Trophy carved into one side of his head. Could that just be a coincidence? Perhaps. But, if that is a coincidence than maybe it’s also a coincidence that the USS Maine exploded in a Cuban port leading President William McKinley to ask Congress for a declaration of war against Spain.